Enabling New Treatments, Education, Research and Outreach For Early-Age Onset Digestive Cancers
24 April 2025 • 10:00 - 12:00 CET
Addressing Gaps in Awareness,
Care & Support
European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium
Image © European Union 2021 - Source : EP
ENTERO Policy Event
Organised by Digestive Cancers Europe (DiCE) and co-hosted by the Honorable MEP Romana Jerkovic and MEP Vytenis Povilas Andriukaitis, this high-level policy meeting will address the rising challenge of early-age onset digestive cancers, increasingly affecting individuals under 50 year, with aggressive forms like colorectal, pancreatic, oesophageal, gastric and liver cancers.
The meeting aims to raise awareness, improve early detection, and enhance care through discussions involving patients, carers, healthcare professionals, researchers, and policymakers.
Focus on solutions
Guided by key recommendations from the ENTERO2024 Conference, this meeting will focus on policy actions to ensure better outcomes and equity for young patients and their families across Europe.
Seating is limited, Register NOW!
Addressing Gaps in Awareness, Care, and Support for the Early-Age Onset Digestive Cancer Community
24 April 2025 10:00–12:00 CET - European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium
Digestive Cancers Europe invites you to join us as we highlight critical gaps in awareness, care, and support for young individuals, their carers, and families facing digestive cancer. Spaces are limited, please register to secure your spot! Registration will close once all spots are filled.
Your personal information will only be used for this event and anonymously for reporting. It will be securely managed according to our data protection regulations.
Please complete the form. You must bring your National ID Document or a European Parliament (EP) Badge to the event.
THU 24|04
09h00-12h00 CET
Arrive at the European Parliament
Meeting point outside the Paul-Henri SPAAK Building
identification used for registration is mandatory to enter the European Parliament
Group Photo
Security Check
10:00 - 12:00
Addressing Gaps in Awareness, Care & Support
Honorable MEP Romana Jerkovic (croatia)
Introduction: Dr. Natasha Muench, Digestive Cancers Europe
Bridging the Awareness Gap: Overcoming Delayed Diagnoses
Mila Ogalla Toledo, Spain
Dr. Emily Harrold, Trinity St James Cancer Institute, St. James's Hospital, Dublin, Ireland
The Power of Research: Understanding and Preventing Early-Onset Digestive Cancers
Dr. Karl Smith-Byrne, Cancer Epidemiology Unit, University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Dr. Gianluca Mauri, Grande Ospedale Metropolitano Niguarda, Milan, Italy
Breaking Barriers: Expanding Access to Clinical Trials and Tailored Treatments
Natalia Ramirez Montigny, France, United Kingdom
Prof. Sebastian Stintzing, Charité Universitaetsmedizin Berlin, Germany
Comprehensive Cancer Support: Addressing Patient, Family, and Mental Health Needs
Anita Wojtaś-Jakubowska, Poland
Dr. Luzia Travado, Champalimaud Clinical & Research Centre, Lisbon, Portugal
Open Discussion [time permitting]
Closing Remarks
Prof. Eric Van Cutsem, (KU Leuven, Belgium)
Zorana Maravic, Digestive Cancers Europe
Honorable MEP Vytenis Povilas Andriukaitis
End of Meeting